Sunday, November 20, 2011

Notorious Nails

You all know how i love the beauty products ! I can honestly say i knew more about Gel nails before at least half of the nail salons on the East Side of Los Angeles and Pasadena for more than a year.Finally they have gotten with the program but the idea of doing it at home is pretty cool. I've been saying for about 2 years now , if the nail polish industry takes this on it will put a big dent in salon visits !
Well friends Nutra Nail Gel Perfect is here ! Its UV light free so that is a huge plus.

Over the summer i figured since i knew so much more and was so critical of the techniques used at various salons around my neighborhood, that i bought an entire set up for myself. I have the full on light, the brushes, several gel kits,etc but it isn't easy and i found dragging the light out and setting up was a drag. I didn't click with it and i didn't really care for my own results.
Also no matter what they say it does weaken and wreck your natural nails, granted nothing like the aching damage of acrylics but its not the innocent product they claim either. No matter ,you have to suffer a bit to be fabulous so deal!

The nail kit relegated to the back of the closet i figured gels at the salon were what i would get when i felt like returning to them, however i read about the Nutra Nail Gel-Color a couple of weeks ago. The online product reviews were mixed, and i had tried there plain gel kit several times to really mixed to disappointing results. The old kit is basically superglue to strengthen, and it does shine but it also chips off in huge chunks. I was not impressed but its been a few years and i figured with new chemical innovations maybe it would be better .

I meant to get it on line but good thing i didn't my local ( and not known for being so well stocked ) CVS has a huge display yesterday, end cap and everything ! Already cleared out of many colors, but they had Flame which is a really great red.

So dear readers I'm typing away 5 minutes after application and i have to say its fabulous ! Don't know if it will last, but it went on super easy, in 2 coats its got great coverage, its shiny and awesome.
You'll have to wait for the update on wear but so far I'd say go out and try it its less trouble than even polishing your nails at home !