Monday, March 22, 2010

Re use but maybe for the actual use !

Well that whole use a product for another use almost always works, but in the case of conditioner, not so good.
Oh well, i tried , so hope the maid at the hotel likes it when i leave it behind next time. Does anyone else do that? I can't tell you the number of open bottles ,used once, of nail polish remover I've left in hotel rooms over the years ! I should leave a note i suppose but if i were a cleaning lady i sure the hell would not be throwing out nail polish remover or hairspray left behind. I'm always thrilled when a house guest leaves something , its like ohhhh !something new to try for free !
So for the record if your coming to stay , plan to leave lighter !
Have a gorgeous day all !

Monday, March 8, 2010

Frugalista the cosmetic approach

Anyone who knows me, knows i'm always trying to push a lipstick that's just not the right thing for me, the gloss i hate the taste of
so it should come as no shock that it kills me to have hair care products i hate but can't bring myself to toss !
so that's how i discovered body lotion as shaving cream ( best idea ever !) you cut down time, no shivvers as you lotion up in a freezing bathroom, and you even smell better longer!
Ok so today's experiment, which ill have to advise on later.....using curl deactivator creme as conditioner, so far so good, went on even better rinsed faster, and maybe will have straightening powers after the dry? i just hate the way they make my hair feel crunchy, not so much that i don't have like 5 in the drawer, each time hoping this product will be the ONE!
Will advise if this is the trick to clean out the drawer !
I do love the Re-Use idea !
Have a gorgeaus day all !