Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do Not Try This at Home ( the gel nail version)

I hope you didn't all run out and get thos OPI gel nails!
Well as crazy as i was about them 3 weeks ago the bloom is slightly off the rose.

Here is the insane thing though ,this week i had to go to Cal Poly Pomona for a work tour and in the process met all the folks at the paints and finishes lab that actually created the product. Isn't that crazy ? Luckily i was still in love and they were wearing well at that time.
I knew it was true also when the knew exactly the color of the gels i was wearing !

However, after a short bout of dish washing on Thanksgiving day 7 or 10 were off, and i was really only prepping the dishes for the dishwasher , so don't imagine me in the prison kitchen !

So I took myself to Sally Beauty supply and bought myself my own non UV light gel kit. Major mistake. There is a reason why they are professionals . I'm not saying i won't go back for the real deal, however, it did kind of limit any creative expression when you have to select a color for life.

I did know a super classy lady once who only wore one shade of Chanel polish, but really how many people do you know who live like that?

So all in all I do think the OPI system is the best colored gel system out there, more importantly I loved the RobbSalon. The calm nature of the salon and its beautiful interior design and still at the tops of my list.

However it is in the Valley , so for the local Silverlake/Los Feliz girls, my vote still goes to Gloss on Sunset. For sure not as fancy, not as elegant, but really isn't that why we are in this neighborhood and not the Valley to begin with !

Gloss Rocks on !

And no matter what, do not try and do it at home ! Spread the wealth and look fabulous ! No one is allowed to look at my hands until these claws drop off !

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nail Envy you say?

When it comes to Nails they don't come any tougher on them than me, so i was really thrilled to read the recent press on OPI Axxium. Its their relatively new ( not really easy to find) colored gel lacquer system. Its a professional applied gel polish that lasts 2-3 weeks without touch ups.

Recent press on the ROB/B Salon in Studio City made it really the only destination choice. Seriously close all the other nail salons in this state down. I did look up who else offered the Axxium system, and thank god i called. I never seriously thought the two places in the city were Glendale and ROB/B . Really Glendale? and i was correct! The highly amusing conversation i had with the desk lady at the " alleged' shop that had access to the gel system made it sound like i was asking her if she had access to the formula for plutonium. Seriously where do they find these people!

So i quickly called ROB/B , had an appt within 15 minutes, and damn these gorgeous nails in under an hour. You do make a commitment with the color you choose so you kind of have to love it. But seriously is there better polish than OPI, and the colors are to die for , so you don't have to think to hard.

I'm on day 2 and they honestly look as good as the minute they were done. In 2 weeks you go back and get the " impervious" seal broken and they paint over, no horrible filing or damage for prep. No thick cheap acyclic look, and I'm hoping just that tiny little extra bit of strength i need.

I can't rave enough about the place! Its beautiful ! I understood every word spoken in the salon.
I had wonderful conversation with my nail tech ( who i am so lax at forgetting his name) but i swear I'll credit him when i return in two weeks.

Dear readers , it also never hurts to go to a salon where the owner has actual pedigree, and owner R, really does have OPI DNA!

I know i don't usually get site specific, and maybe i should be raving about the product, but you can't really embellish fabulous . The product just rocks, like i knew it would. My only hope is it becomes readily available for everyone !

We as Americans need to put an end to those horrible thick Stripper/Orange County nails !!!!!!!! We need to get as classy as the people in the White House ladies, so lets soak off the acrylics, and get with the lovely Axxium gels !

And if you are anywhere near Studio City get into the ROB/B salon, and enjoy a beautiful space and lovely nails all at the same time! ( If i find out they serve wine, i'm moving in )

ROB/B Salon
12246 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604
818 980 7622

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't be afraid ! shop all the beauty aisles at CVS

When i was a single girl in RI, my favorite no date Saturday night thing was to prowl the aisles of CVS and buy myself beauty treats. So fast forward 20 years and its still one of my very favorite pick me ups. In fact when i first moved to California, the only CVS was at least 20 miles away in Panorama City, which was not Panoramic then and hasn't improved with age. I would drive out there on an occasional Saturday morning and pretend i was in the promised land of Providence . Thank God you only have to go 20 blocks now to find a CVS.

How lucky are we to be able to just walk in a drugstore and have it filled with a million variations on joy! Which brings me to that strange section of products labeled primarily in Spanish. Now my CVS has an entire section loaded with cool looking stuff that sometimes you can figure out what its for and sometimes well maybe you take your chances. I bought a product called Concha Nacar de Perlop. It has a lovely Neptune shell on the jar with the # 3, which must mean its # times the power and under 5.00. What does it do you say? It says it will fade spots and scars and is made with Oyster shell powder ...does it work ? Well i can't really vouch for the working part,,,,,,,,but it is so fun to use! Its like a thick masky paste, but its kind of sweet smelling . Imagine if plaster of paris , dry wall and honey got together with some oil and had a rave,,,,,,,,,yeah that's what it would be like. I've had it for about 3 months and i can honestly say its just a kick to open the jar up and discover its un-usual-ness every time.
That why shopping that aisle is so fun, where else will you find tomato , goat milk and other unusual soaps for under 3.00!
So far I've tried some lovely rose scented body oil, great soaps, this unusual cream, and have only struck out with one horribly skunk scented splash !

So our moral here is shop all aisles, bodegas , 99c stores and clearance centers,,,,,,,,,when it comes to cosmetics remember be brave , be bold and be bilingual !

Saturday, September 5, 2009

glamazon tan-o-rama

As promised i went and compiled the list of all the self tanners currently in my possession
and even if they were at the very least 5.oo, which you know they were not, lets just say i have a pair of shoes in self tanner !

Just for clarification, i am rating self tanners only, not the gradual body lotion type. That could be an entire other topic and another pair of shoes !

Let's cut to the chase, if your in the market for self tanner go straight to Bath and Body Works and get yourself True Blue Spa Strike Gold lotion with bronzer. Now that's this years model, it used to be called just True Blue bronzer. I have to tell you i had stockpiled the original when i realized i loved the product and i was crushed when i thought it was gone. The original was maybe just a bit more gel like, but even though the new model is called " lotion" i don't find it to lotioney and i still use it on my face. There is a difference in the scent , but basically they both smell wonderful, have a great level of bronze , which i use it instead of foundation so that's an important factor with me. Its about 15.oo, your biggest challenge will be getting out of the store without spending another 50.00 on their other products.

If you are adverse to the mall and getting to Bath and Body works, or super anxious, just get to your local drugstore and pick up L'oreal's sublime bronze. Honestly it was a very close second to the BBworks item. Also smells great, and has a lovely level of bronze right out of the tube.
And who doesn't look good in a little glimmer right out of the gate ,right!
In a separate category, and very much less used by me, i also have the towelettes by L'oreal, and i like them, but i don't use them very often, great on trips but not immediate, its a clear fluid so good luck!

In the fancy range, I liked Too Faced : Tanning Bed in a tube enough to give it to several girlfriends for mothers day. Smells good , very golden, but not for the face. I keep it by the pool so its definitely in my favor. I did notice at least one of my giftee's did not use it, so my love of self tanner may not be for everyone ( and yes i saw it unopened in the medicine cabinet ! so sue me)

For the one I dislike the most, lets try Clarins gelee' self tanning instant gel express. That must be french for Bullshit ! First off its clear ( how's that for instant , i bought this on a serious recommendation from some magazine , so again who's on the dole right?) smells like something very very chemical and if you ever squeeze if out of the tube at the counter ( because i forbid you to buy this product) you will know what i mean. It looks like a questionable body fluid. Run from the clarins counter, even the Face version is overpriced, smells bad , run to cvs and get the L'oreal.

MAC, tint and tan, so dark you'll be washing your hands for 10 minutes, maybe that is why it was at the cosmetic outlet store. Skip this one entirely, you will look like a clown.

Avon: OK so you know I'm a HUGE fan of their MARK line, the bronzing self tanner, instant vacation is OK , and even the face one is OK. Only get these if you can't find L'oreal or Bath and Body works.

Glow Fusion spray: Now i had really high expectations for this one. First off its expensive , like in the 30.+ range, once again, i love that Sephora, i went in did my face test and went home. Thank god i did not pop for this one at full price, just really not that great. The copy for this product is unbelievable ( and i guess really it is unbelievable) is toutes special proteins, no smell---yeah whatever. Also no tan. I did however pick it up for like 9.00 at TJ maxx and its the liquid i did my own " cloths" with , and as a cheap no color alternative, not bad. Only buy this on sale and don't expect much. Picture a Northern Ireland tan and you won't be disappointed.

Model Co Tan gloves. Another TJ Maxx purchase , i like this glove idea , but its clear, so your really on your own for levelness. I never do what they tell you to pre scrub, or hang around for it to dry, so the gloves are nice cause they dry fast,but the mistakes can be funny. Don't do the clear unless you have a fine sense of humor. Another thing , something about the single use strikes me as wasteful, so like my grandmother i end up saving them cause " they are to good to use ", considering they were about 8.00, another sign of my frugal but mental state of mind.

Victoria Secret: Bare Bronze face tint, a bit to heavy, again like a glamazon.......don't bother !

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess, tinted self tan. I saved the biggest slam for last. I can not believe some mag said this smelled good, and did not develop that trademark slightly weird smell that lets face it , if it works, its going to have that funky smell. I can only hope that i smell it but I'm hoping no one else can? I seriously do not self tan on work days below the neck because i think it could be perceived as not such a pleasant whiff. : Like did you carpool with a skunk this morning? or not change a litter box. I'm just saying, self tanning is tricky stuff.
Back to topic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,big waste of money, yes it works, its got a milky bronzy look out of the tube, not as cool as the Too Faced which is also in the more $ category. For sure did not live up to any of the hype that was written about it, again get to CVS get the L'Oreal, or to Bath and Bodyworks.

So that dear readers is all that i know about self tanner, and as i sit here blogging isn't it the epitome of multi-tasking.........I'm stepping away from the computer to my Saturday Night so much tanner than when i sat down !

Monday, August 31, 2009

self tanner and the art of being frugal

Well if there is one thing i have even more of than lip stains, its self tanners. If there is even one positive comment about " not having that tell tale funky scent" I'll usually have it by weekend. However, and i will make the list this week of exactly how many i do have in my possession.
I have to say----almost everything I've read that said they didn't smell was pretty much " big white lies" so to speak.

So last weekend when i was in my local Sephora and saw a Clarins liquid product i thought well this is cool because it must dry right away ( and really who on earth is going to wait for that stuff to dry !) --but the new frugal me said , oh really like the other 20 you have at home?

So I'm proud to say, i slapped that liquid all over my face and went home to see if it worked. It did but no better or worse than any of the other ones that i love. That whole experience though made me think of ways to maybe try the products i had at home in a new way, and I'm happy to share my results !
First off, the towelettes of self tanner are to damn expensive, and just always wrong, not enough product , to much product . However much easier to use and somehow more even and you seem to not be as wet as the lotions, so-----i decided to try and take a tube product and apply it with a facecloth . The results === it worked like a dream, and i just saved 36.00 on that Clarins liquid.

I just can't tell you how thrilled i was at this baby invention of mine. Its made me start thinking about what else could i be doing with the bazillion products i have around that I'm to guilty to ditch but just don't love enough to use.

Stay tuned the Self Tanner list of Best and Save your money girls,,,,,to follow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lipstick now Literary,the bliss of The Thirteenth Tale !

If I've been absent dear friends its because I've been in the car savoring every single word of
" The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. It was voted the best first novel of the year for 2006, and i don't know where i found the lead for it ( most likely the NY times book section) but I'm so thrilled i did. I know last summer i wore you guys out over how fabulous The Shadow of The Wind was, and i can't say this is better but i love them both so much that on this last of 14 audio discs I feel terrible that it is about to end.

This is the very essence of what intriguing intelligent fiction( with that small Gothic spooky spin)is supposed to be. Whomever this Diane Setterfield is ( and I'm about to stalk her) so if anyone knows her save me the time, she deserves every bit of praise lavished on her.

Run do not walk and get this book right now, i borrowed the 14 CD version( maybe 20 hrs in the car) from the library, but I'm right now going to go buy it in a Hardcover and anything else this wonderful author has penned.

Isn't it wonderful to discover a great new read !!!!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lipstick Journey, last call

So we are down to the final two. Marks' version Tattoo Kiss, ( youth brand of Avon ) offered this to the marketplace at least a year ago, maybe longer. Its a great product. In a pen like the Pixie
product, they could have been separated at birth in the lab. One thing about the Tattoo Kiss though, its got adorable packaging , and really when your pulling that out of your bag doesn't that count for something! The only problem with this one is your ability to get it easily. If you don't have an Avon lady, your bound to stay with nude lips. I'd say this for sure ties for second place in the smack down.

So lets talk about the lip stain that started my call to action Cover Girls Outlast . What can i say i really did not care for this product. Of all of the options, this one really did not even come close. It is the latest on the scene and so mass market you can get it anywhere, but runny , lousy taste, and seriously could their be less sexy packaging. I just read some very positive copy on this product in either the LA times or the New York times, they must have been on the dole, choose any of the other choices if you can.

So what should you run out and buy ..............get yourself to Target and get the Pixie Lip Blush in any of the colors in comes in. Its easy to get to ( who doesn't have a target next to them these days), very affordable, cute and you can easily fall in love with a number of other products in that aisle.
Stay away from that Cover Girl junk if for no other reason than their poor choice of design in packaging !

So this journey ends dear reader, but with so many things to buy, barter, read or comment on don't worry...........the eye spy i buy blogger will never be to far away,,,,,,,,

Now go put on some lipstick and stay Gorgeous !

Sunday, August 9, 2009

battle of the lip stains

From a point of historical reference BeneFit : Benetint does deserve the nod. This practical bottle can be used not only as a lip stain but also as a cheek stain. Since Bonne Bell and Max Factor exited the stain business when i was still in my 20's, BeneFit should get props for bringing the product to life again. Judging by how many variants i had in my cosmetic drawers its a definite market segment.
Flavored with the taste of Roses its a treat to swab on with the little brush, but forget about that on the cheekbones ! The product is thin there is no other way around dissing the granddaddy. Developments make all the other contenders just a little hipper, easier to use and more practical. Sorry , cause i love many other products in the BeneFit sisters line !

Here's a suprise. Rummaging through an old beach bag today i came across a Revlon product called Just Bitten. It has to be at least 3 years old and for sure launched to early to jump on the Vampire craze.

This stain is in roller ball vehicle. Its a mess. a completely unpractical delivery system for the product. However the drips that collect on the bottle and then your fingers do look like you just cut yourself opening it. That would make it very popular with the Soukie set! The one thing i can say about it.......a really great Font. If there was ever a font that said Vampire this is it!

Next post we look at Avon's' youth line Mark, with its clever " Tattoo" marker, and then Outlast by Cover girl which was really the catalyst for this entire series. Until then dear reader go grab a lipstick and make yourself gorgeous !

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

my lipstick journey

So next up in the lipstick stain battle royale is " pixie" lip blush in color happiness.
The taste is fantastic, like a cherry ice pop. Its delivered in a pen medium so its super convenient. I picked this up at Target last winter, so I'll tell you right off the bat that it was already a favorite when i started the battle.

so far the urban decay and this pixie are clear favorite, both taste good, last long, but don't try to eat anything with oil. You might want to use a straw really if you want any lip color to last , who are they kidding in these ads.

I have to say though the urban decay a little thicker, so less of a bleed factor, but still Pixie, in a white pen like marker, super cute, and easy to tote. The urban decay bottle more adorable on the desk !

For sure pick up a Pixie marker the next time your in Target, all the products in the Pixie line are wonderful, great colors and super smart packaging ! I totally want to give this to everyone i know!

Tomorrow Benefit 2 : benetint !

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Battle of the Lip Stains

To say that i am a bit obsessed with makeup might be slightly exaggerating however i did find myself rushing out to buy the newest stain being hawked on the market. Since i already had 3 in the makeup vault at home i thought I'd do a little battle royale.

Stay tuned dear reader as everyday for the next four days we pit stains against each other and then stain vs traditional lip color.

Saturday : Urban Decay , Lip Envy: color Greedy

You can't get much cooler than this little gypsy bottle of packaging. It has a wonderful almost gel like texture, pleasant flavor, not overpowering. Color is deep and rich,and not the least bit runny. So far I'm digging it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am officially one of the millions who starts to blog and then abandons them

In true keeping with the name of this blog, i've spent June doing my part to help the national economy. When all is said and done, Diamonds really are a girls best friend, and so far i've had very little buyers remorse!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If your looking for a dose of northeast yankee audio, check out any of the books by Jane Langton. I don't know how i found her but i'm so thrilled i did. I am working my way thru the 18 homer kelley mysteries, and the one i'm listening to in the car now was written in 1964. Its so quaint it should come on reel to reel, the men still wear ties for work! Almost all of them i've listened to revolve around boston with "Murder at the Gardner " , (that wonderful freak of a museum that had the huge theft they pretend didn't happen, ) just wanting me to pack up the LA house and go move to Concord, Mass.
If anyone has any suggestions for other audio's with a good northeast feel please drop me a line, this LA drive doesn't get any shorter everyday!