Saturday, September 5, 2009

glamazon tan-o-rama

As promised i went and compiled the list of all the self tanners currently in my possession
and even if they were at the very least 5.oo, which you know they were not, lets just say i have a pair of shoes in self tanner !

Just for clarification, i am rating self tanners only, not the gradual body lotion type. That could be an entire other topic and another pair of shoes !

Let's cut to the chase, if your in the market for self tanner go straight to Bath and Body Works and get yourself True Blue Spa Strike Gold lotion with bronzer. Now that's this years model, it used to be called just True Blue bronzer. I have to tell you i had stockpiled the original when i realized i loved the product and i was crushed when i thought it was gone. The original was maybe just a bit more gel like, but even though the new model is called " lotion" i don't find it to lotioney and i still use it on my face. There is a difference in the scent , but basically they both smell wonderful, have a great level of bronze , which i use it instead of foundation so that's an important factor with me. Its about 15.oo, your biggest challenge will be getting out of the store without spending another 50.00 on their other products.

If you are adverse to the mall and getting to Bath and Body works, or super anxious, just get to your local drugstore and pick up L'oreal's sublime bronze. Honestly it was a very close second to the BBworks item. Also smells great, and has a lovely level of bronze right out of the tube.
And who doesn't look good in a little glimmer right out of the gate ,right!
In a separate category, and very much less used by me, i also have the towelettes by L'oreal, and i like them, but i don't use them very often, great on trips but not immediate, its a clear fluid so good luck!

In the fancy range, I liked Too Faced : Tanning Bed in a tube enough to give it to several girlfriends for mothers day. Smells good , very golden, but not for the face. I keep it by the pool so its definitely in my favor. I did notice at least one of my giftee's did not use it, so my love of self tanner may not be for everyone ( and yes i saw it unopened in the medicine cabinet ! so sue me)

For the one I dislike the most, lets try Clarins gelee' self tanning instant gel express. That must be french for Bullshit ! First off its clear ( how's that for instant , i bought this on a serious recommendation from some magazine , so again who's on the dole right?) smells like something very very chemical and if you ever squeeze if out of the tube at the counter ( because i forbid you to buy this product) you will know what i mean. It looks like a questionable body fluid. Run from the clarins counter, even the Face version is overpriced, smells bad , run to cvs and get the L'oreal.

MAC, tint and tan, so dark you'll be washing your hands for 10 minutes, maybe that is why it was at the cosmetic outlet store. Skip this one entirely, you will look like a clown.

Avon: OK so you know I'm a HUGE fan of their MARK line, the bronzing self tanner, instant vacation is OK , and even the face one is OK. Only get these if you can't find L'oreal or Bath and Body works.

Glow Fusion spray: Now i had really high expectations for this one. First off its expensive , like in the 30.+ range, once again, i love that Sephora, i went in did my face test and went home. Thank god i did not pop for this one at full price, just really not that great. The copy for this product is unbelievable ( and i guess really it is unbelievable) is toutes special proteins, no smell---yeah whatever. Also no tan. I did however pick it up for like 9.00 at TJ maxx and its the liquid i did my own " cloths" with , and as a cheap no color alternative, not bad. Only buy this on sale and don't expect much. Picture a Northern Ireland tan and you won't be disappointed.

Model Co Tan gloves. Another TJ Maxx purchase , i like this glove idea , but its clear, so your really on your own for levelness. I never do what they tell you to pre scrub, or hang around for it to dry, so the gloves are nice cause they dry fast,but the mistakes can be funny. Don't do the clear unless you have a fine sense of humor. Another thing , something about the single use strikes me as wasteful, so like my grandmother i end up saving them cause " they are to good to use ", considering they were about 8.00, another sign of my frugal but mental state of mind.

Victoria Secret: Bare Bronze face tint, a bit to heavy, again like a glamazon.......don't bother !

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess, tinted self tan. I saved the biggest slam for last. I can not believe some mag said this smelled good, and did not develop that trademark slightly weird smell that lets face it , if it works, its going to have that funky smell. I can only hope that i smell it but I'm hoping no one else can? I seriously do not self tan on work days below the neck because i think it could be perceived as not such a pleasant whiff. : Like did you carpool with a skunk this morning? or not change a litter box. I'm just saying, self tanning is tricky stuff.
Back to topic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,big waste of money, yes it works, its got a milky bronzy look out of the tube, not as cool as the Too Faced which is also in the more $ category. For sure did not live up to any of the hype that was written about it, again get to CVS get the L'Oreal, or to Bath and Bodyworks.

So that dear readers is all that i know about self tanner, and as i sit here blogging isn't it the epitome of multi-tasking.........I'm stepping away from the computer to my Saturday Night so much tanner than when i sat down !